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Start the incredible journey of learning how to use Dividend-Paying Cash Value Life Insurance to compound your wealth and secure your financial future.

The Message I'm Trying To Spread...

In a world of out of control, unaccountable, parasites (politicians and the banking elite), who's sole purpose is not to honor their oath and serve the people, but to waste our money, shackle future generations with unpayable amounts of debt, crush the poor and middle class with runaway inflation, and actively attempt to pass legislation to strip law-abiding citizens of our rights... it is more important than ever to build, protect, and preserve our freedom and sovereignty.

And the best way to do that is through financial freedom, which starts with financial education. By having financial freedom in our lives, and by using the same high-level strategies and assets that the elite use to build and protect our wealth, we have choice. We have options. We can literally vote with our money and our feet. We can choose places, businesses, communities, etc. that align with our values, instead of being beholden to dictators because we need the money and benefits.


To help fellow entrepreneurs build, protect, and preserve their Financial Freedom & Sovereignty

Why Dividend-Paying Cash Value Whole Life Insurance?

The Main Benefits:


Allows us to safely compound our money at 3-5% every year for the rest of our lives when structured and used properly.


When set up correctly, not only does our money compound, we also have access to 90% of it or more to invest in other opportunities.


Mutually-owned life insurance companies are the best risk-management companies in the world, providing the ultimate financial safe-haven.

Financial Efficiency

Eliminate one of the greatest obstacles to building wealth: Lost Opportunity Costs.

LTC & Legacy

Provides a real solution to long-term care expenses, while creating a large legacy that can be passed on to the next generation.


Significantly reduce tax liabilities. Get tax-free growth, tax-free access, tax-free distribution, and a tax-free death benefit for your heirs.

The Journey

Shattering Destructive Financial Myths

Almost everything we've been taught about money and personal finance is a straight lie or half-truth designed to extract as much money from us as possible. It's time to learn the REAL truth.


The beginning of our journey to truth is first becoming aware that a problem exists and then identify exactly what those problems are. In our case, the problem is the decades of financial myths that actively hold us back from reaching our fullest potential.


Once we've identified the problems, we then begin to shift our paradigm by educating ourselves with new and accurate information. We push aside the garbage that's been force-fed to us for so long and seek alternative sources of information.


With our new mindset and understanding, it's time to implement what we've learned to achieve the results we're looking for. Only when you begin to take action on what you've learned will you be able to reap the full benefits of it.

About Matt Teuschel

AKA "Mattie ICE"

It's crazy, but it wasn't that long ago that I was living back in my mom's house, no car, no job, and barely $300 to my name.

Actually, it was worse than that because I also had tens of thousands of dollars in credit card debt that I racked up trying to survive.

I felt like the world's biggest loser. But the one thing I had going for me, was that I refused to quit.

When you're going through hell, keep going or you'll get stuck was the quote that lived in the back of my mind.

That eventually lead me to building a multiple six figure per year online marketing business that completely changed my life.

Fast forward a couple of years, I managed to save a large portion of the money that was coming in because I continued to keep my expenses low.

My focus was to build up my reserves and begin to put my money to work.

I started with high-yield CD's and Treasury Bills because interest rates had spiked and you could finally earn good yield on your money.

But as I did that, I remembered this concept called "Infinite Banking" that I had heard about a long time ago but never did anything with.

I decided to investigate it again and see if it made sense for me now that I was doing better financially.

Little did I know that it would plunge me down a massive rabbit hole that would shatter almost everything I had been taught about money up to that point.

There were a few different things that began to happen:

#1: I was pissed.

I was so frustrated that I had never been taught these simple, yet incredibly powerful financial principles.

"How is it possible that I am just now learning this at the age of 35? Why on Earth is this not taught in school or in mainstream media?"

In fact, not only is it not taught, it's even attacked by big influencers and shared as something that should be avoided!

#2: I couldn't believe how much terrible and misleading information is out there.

As I began my education, I ran into so much conflicting information that at first, it was hard to decipher what was accurate and what wasn't.

But as I went further down the rabbit hole, listened to different opinions, looked at different numbers, researched what the Elite actually do with their money, the pieces of the puzzle started to come together and I could see what was real and what was a complete pile of B.S.

#3: That's when I knew I had to share this with others.

Once I cut through the B.S. and learned how this stuff really works, it was clear that this was one of the most powerful assets and financial strategies in the world, at least that I had ever seen.

And I don't think it's a coincidence that many of the richest Elite in this country implement it by the hundreds of billions of dollars, yet tell the rest of us to max out our crappy "tax-qualified plans".

So my new mission became introducing these powerful financial principles and strategies to as many fellow entrepreneurs and wealth creators as I can.

So welcome and thank you for being a part of my journey.

It's an honor and privilege to share with you what I've learned so it can benefit your life just like it's done mine.

- Matt Teuschel, Founder of The Millennial Wealth Creator

Quotes That Changed My Financial Life

"You finance every purchase in your life. You either pay interest to a lender, or you lose the interest you could have earned otherwise."

"Buy your net worth. Build your cashflow."

"There is an inverse relationship between bank profits and financial literacy. The higher a person's financial education, the less money the bank will earn from them during their lifetime."

"When I come to the end of my life, which will have been more important - the rate of return, or the money I had available to spend?"

"What if everything you thought you knew to be true about money and finances was completely false? How soon would you want to know and what would you do about it?"

"The trouble with mutual funds is that they are rewarded for the money they attract, not the money they earn."

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